Sunday, September 19, 2010

poem relation

Frankie Pena

Eng 102


“Immigrants On Are Own Land”
The day is new today’s actions count and we forget the past. That is what we were raised to believe. This leads to a poem “ Immigrants On Are Own Land”. There is something that the author of the poem is trying to say and I can relate to it. “Jimmy” the author writes how we came into the world with a picture in are head that we are free and that meaning. We have a shot in life to be anything we want. Although as we grow older are eyesight must ware out because. The picture of freedom in my head is not visible when I take a glance at the world today. Maybe we as kids didn’t use the tools we were handed properly. This could flip are view of the free world and allow us to see a image we weren’t looking for.

The minute we are born are parents smile and promise us the world. “ we are born with dreams in out hearts, looking for better days ahead”(Baca). This quotation is a clear example that we came into this world with big dreams of becoming something or someone. Maybe even the guy or girl to cure cancer and or some other life taking disease.
Many years have came and gone, it is now time for elementary school. This can be a change we weren’t really expecting. “ At the gate we are given new papers, our old cloths are taken and we are now given overalls like mechanics wear”(Baca). This is a awesome example of a change that starts to put a new twist on the view we had of the free world. Now we all begin to realize that the matching cloths means we are all the same except for the color are race brings.
The process starts where they will find out who we are and just how we think as kids. Once that is done the rules of the new spot are announced. “ we are given shots and doctors ask questions. Then we gather in another room where counselors orient us to the new land we will now live in”(Baca). The author speaks metaphorically as he says the new land we will now live on because school is second below home. This example explains in depth the changes to come that we will adapt to.
These few paragraphs clearly show this is just the beginning to it all and yet it feels like the whole world is falling on top of us.

Throughout elementary school we are introduced to behavior cards. This is where teachers can check off if we have been good or bad. The last things we needed was a teacher to tell us. If are behavior was up to par with their standards or not. This thing called elementary school was starting to be a joke.
After seating in elementary school for just about half of our life. It was now time for high school. This sounds like another name for plain old school. Although the minute we stepped on the grounds we felt that so much trust has been given to us. It probably was because the campus was three times the size of elementary school which means we had more room to roam around.
We start school and the teachers right away come off pretty cool. First few words out of the teachers mouth were. Hey, don’t waist my time and I wont waist yours. After that this class seemed like a breeze. We went through the class introducing ourselves and then we did a run through on what this class was going to give us. This didn’t seem that bad ,or maybe we just were to excited about going to our other classes.
High school turned out to be a pretty awesome deal.
As time came and left some of the kids joined football, some media, and some art. Before we knew it everyone divided into little clicks. The word click is just another word for group. A seemed like just a few years later kids dropped out, or got into trouble and just a few days down the road was graduation. Hard to believe we are now adults on are own sarcastically. Most of us live with are parents still and why wouldn’t we its free living and no place better than home.
Now the amazing transition to college I can get used to this. Most of the kids didn’t graduate and now they get to look forward to a life of switching from job to job if they can find one. This is the time in life where things get a little tough with all the scheduling conflicts and homework due dates. Although this will only help us grow up and start excepting that life isn’t all fun and games.
My dream is to be a firefighter and then be a agricultural science teacher. This is possible since I have chosen the right path and that path was constructed by my parents and myself. We all need a little guidance every now and then. Some people just need that shove to get them on track. There is no easy way to put this either you float or sink in life.

That is when it gets me to thinking the most about the rest of my people and we are talking metaphorically about the immigrants in Mexico. The author puts it best “ I look down and see new immigrants coming in mattresses rolled up and on their shoulders, new haircuts and brogan boots, looking around, each with a dream in their heart”(Baca). The sad part is they are just trying to make a difference and people like “sheriff Joe” . Go out on man hunt’s looking for them and then deporting them back. Even though half of the people been working here in the U.S for over three or four years. This gets on my nerves the most it truly makes me think. Where the “H E double Hockey sticks” is this free world I have dreamed of and heard so much about.
This essay is one that really comes from the heart. The reason I have chosen this poem to relate to is because it really makes sense. No poem has came this close to meaning anything to me. After reading it I look back and see what is going on in Phoenix and there is just no nice way to look at it. This world doesn’t seem to free. Either people aren’t using the tools right that they were handed when younger or my eyes just aren’t seeing the free in the world.

Link to Immigration blog;

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